Quality and Environment – inspection, effects
Activities for the environment
In recent years METALODLEW SA has executed a number of investment projects which have contributed to limiting the environmental impact of the foundry and in turn improved working conditions. These measures have been financed by the company with the aid of EU funds under the Sectoral Operational Programme (Increase of Economic Competitiveness [SOP-IEC]) and the Operational Programme (Innovative Economy). The brief characteristics of the most significant investments towards the environment, and performed at METALODLEW SA in 2006-2012, is presented below.
The new OTTO JUNKER melting plant in the Iron Foundry
an exhaust and dust collection system equipped with a direct flue gas exhaust with hoods, and fitted with pulse-jet fabric filters which guarantee the final dust concentration within the flue gas under 5 mg/m3
- a glycol-free furnace cooling system with a fan cooler installed on the foundry bay roof, and fitted with a cooling water closed-circuit (eliminating the evaporative cooler causing the need for constant external water intake)
Environmental effects achieved:
- The limitation of process water consumption thanks to the use of a water closed circuit for furnace cooling
- A reduction of electricity consumption in the iron melting process
- Limitation of dust and gas emissions into the air
The knock-out (FMO Kraków) and furane sand reclamation station (IMF)
in the Iron Foundry
A complete change of the existing process of mould and core making by replacing the currently used alkali sands with sands containing furane organic resins
- A dust-proof, sound absorbing mobile housing of the knock-out grate, enabling the suspended moulds to be transported with an overhead crane
- Fitting of the knock-out and reclamation station with a high-performance dedusting installation operating with a pulse-jet fabric filter, thus guaranteeing the final dust concentration in the flue gas below 5 mg/m3.
Environmental effects achieved:
- The limitation of the process water consumption thanks to the use of a water closed circuit for sand reclaimer cooling
- The reduction of the quartz sand consumption in the production process resulting from recycling of 95% of quartz sand from waste moulds
- Limitation of natural gas consumption and dust and gas emissions into the air as a result of the elimination of quartz sand drying operation
The new (STEM) large turntable shotblasting cabinet in the Iron Foundry
An integrated system for thorough pneumatic manual cleaning of difficult accessibility areas, installed inside the shotblasting cabinet
- Sound absorbing screens of blast wheels ensuring the noise emission is limited to 85 dB(A)
- An exhaust and dedusting system with a pulse-jet fabric filter installed, guaranteeing the final dust concentration under 5 mg/m3
Environmental effects achieved:
- The reduction of noise emissions resulting from the limiting of manual fettling operations at open work stations
- Limitation of dust emissions into the air, and fugitive loss in the fettling process
- Improvement of work comfort at the fettling shop
Modernization of the riser head burn-off station in the Steel Foundry
The enclosure of the riser head burn-off station, along with the mobile exhaust hood
- A dedusting system for the riser head burn-off station, with a pulse-jet fabric filter; its efficiency ensuring the final dust concentration under 10 mg/m3
Environmental effects achieved:
- Limitation of emissions into the air in the riser head burn-off process
- Reduction of fugitive emissions at the riser head burn-off station
- Adapting the station to BAT requirements
Modernization of the sand drying and distribution station in the Steel Foundry
The commissioning of a new fluidised bed dryer/cooler for sand, with natural gas fired instead of a rotary dryer fired with coke-oven gas
- The installation of three dust collecting systems for the sand drying and distribution station, equipped with jet-pulse fabric filters with an efficiency guaranteeing a final dust concentration under 10 mg/m3 (decommissioning of the existing low-efficient wet dedusting equipment)
- The installation of a pneumatic transport system for sand from the dryer to the storage bins instead of the existing belt conveyors and transfer stations
Environmental effects achieved:
- The limitation of emissions into the air during the process of quartz sand preparation (reduction of dust emissions, NOx emissions, sulphur dioxide emissions)
- A reduction of fugitive emissions resulting from the elimination of transport of dry sand to storage bins with belt conveyors
- The limitation of water and gas consumption in the sand preparation and transport processes
- Adapting the station to BAT requirements